
Work Wives Global is a company dedicated to ensuring that organizations are equipping women with the skills needed to build the careers they want, creating better employee engagement, increased employee satisfaction and a deep bench of female leaders confidently working with other women across functions and teams. 

As a seasoned sales leader holding key leadership roles in male-dominated-fields at companies such as Oracle, Business Insider, Experian and Forrester for more than two decades, I have firsthand knowledge of what it takes to navigate the corporate environment as a woman. However, I also understand the resistance women are faced with daily and as 58% of the civilian workforce, we cannot afford to have them disengaged. 

In 2017, Gallup reported that only 33% of employees are engaged, costing corporations up to 605 Billion dollars in lost productivity.  Work Wives Global will be the solution to bridging that gap. By offering workshops, curated networking sessions, daily doses of workplace wisdom and helping companies establish their own groups of Work Wives, women across teams and tenure who are learning from one another, driving results, attracting and retaining the best talent, increasing productivity and delivering a better customer experience.

Corporations and leaders need tools, trainings and open dialogues to make certain employees are equipped and empowered to drive business forward with the best in each employee engaged. Individuals need language, training and coaching so that we are optimizing our opportunities and presenting our best selves. We’ve worked with men and with women and have been inspired and challenged by them. 

We’re happy you’re here. We’re here to help. Each One Teach One